

wet roads affect tyre pressure image

How do Wet Roads Impact Tyre Performance?

The monsoon season is purely magical in India. While wanderlust blossoms throughout the year, we are a little skeptical about traveling by road. One of the primary reasons is that wet roads affect tyre pressure and loosen their grip. Let’s take a look into how wet roads fluctuate tire performance and how to tackle them.

How do Wet Roads affect Tire Pressure?

On wet roads, tires lose traction. It mixes with the oil residue that floats on water and control over the vehicle drops due to its slipperiness. In such instances, an under-inflated tire takes a concave shape and tends to cause damage to the tyre. For a better and optimum level of grip, there should be sufficient pressure that ensures an even footprint. Even the tread patterns impact the traction of your car. Directional and asymmetrical tread patterns are considered to be ideal for wet roads. 

Comparison of Performance in Air and Water

It is not unknown that tires cut through the air and can deflect it quite easily. However, driving in pools and puddles of water needs comparatively more energy as wet roads affect tyre pressure. Good tire pressure evens out the footprint and aids in displacing water through the tread patterns efficiently.

How do tire manufacturers evaluate Hydroplaning?

In general, manufacturers scrutinize wet traction and hydroplaning of tires by running them over glass immersed in water at a specific depth. They dye the water for enhanced visibility and observation and install high-speed cameras underground. This gives them a clear understanding of the shape and size of the tire’s footprint and what works as the best tire pressure for rain.

Next time you plan a trip to the abode of clouds, be it Sikkim or Coorg, make sure you check the inflation in your tires. Don’t let wet roads affect tire pressure by investing in wet weather tires. They typically comprise rubber and silica, which generate more heat and traction and help augment their grip. If you are on a hunt for high-quality wet weather tires, look no further, Tyrebuzzar is the best car tire shop near you.

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